Letters From Paul – Ephesians – Churches Pack PDF


A 6 session Bible study of the book of Ephesians suitable for children aged 7+. This downloadable pack for children’s ministry leaders contains:

  • 6 letters in PDF format, with activities on the reverse of each letter
  • 6 videos to accompany each letter
  • Duplicates of the letters in easy-to-read font
  • A PDF introductory letter to send to parents
  • Spare activity sheets for siblings

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This is a Bible study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, with a twist! Each chapter of the book of Ephesians has been re-written as an individual letter that you can download and send to the children and families in your church. You will also get access to short videos to go alongside each letter to help reinforce the ideas from the chapter and aid with comprehension.

On the reverse of each letter are activities to help the children think about what they have read. There are boxes to write down ‘aha’ moments, spaces to jot down any questions and a place to write ideas for application points.

Just as the original letters would have been read out to the whole church, these letters are best read as a whole family so there are some helpful “Talk About It” questions and some ideas for prayer too. These could also be used as conversation topics for your Sunday children’s sessions too!

The font of the letters are in a cursive style to give the appearance of handwriting but we understand that this might be a little difficult for some to read so also have to option of an easy-to-read version, which is written in a standard font with extra line spacing too (great for making notes too!).

The difference between this pack and the ‘standard’ resource is that this one is designed for those is church children’s ministry. It is completely downloadable in PDF, meaning that you can make it work for your individual church setting. You can print off and send the letters in any way you want, at a time and pace that suits you. You could also choose to incorporate them into your children’s groups so we have included some material on how to do that too.


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